GMAT Preparation in Lahore

Hi, I am Ali Tariq.
I am a perfect-scorer in GRE, SAT & 750, 770, 790 in GMAT.
I take GMAT 4-5 times per year just to mine questions the GMAC stores in its question bank.
Yes, I know, to most of you, it may sound unethical.
It, in fact, is unethical because it leverages undue advantage to my students.
And yes, to me as well, because I charge exorbitantly for my one-on-one tutoring sessions.
Those who have taken my private tutoring did not surprise me when they exclaim that just in 2 hours, the ground they have covered they couldn’t have ,by any stretch of the imagination, by any other means.

GRE, GMAT, & SAT are nothing short of obsession to me.
I am in the test-prep industry ONLY because my obsession with these tests is nothing short of madness.
I get dopamine rush not when I crack the hardest and the most difficult problems in less than 5 seconds but when my students reach the same level and get the results they NEVER expected when they first approach me.
In addition, I am the only ASIAN GMAT&GRE expert to hold the GMAT&GRE Expert status at the World’s largest GMAT community called (BTG)

Call Me Now for More  Details : 0321 4582520

Best GMAT Preparation in Lahore

Why & how is it a big deal?
Well, BTG is the only TRUELY Global GMAT community.
And it is the only GMAT community which has the MOST STRINGENT RULES to confer the “Expert” status to a freelance GMAT&GRE coach.

For GMAT, you MUST have 750.
For GRE, you have to be a perfect-scorer.

And how has the Expert status benefitted me?
I am a recognized and established authority in the Global test-prep industry.

Test-prep companies from around the world seek the guidance of BTG Expert instructors to outsource their curriculum development tasks.
When I first decided to be a test-prep expert in 2010, everyone around me told me that I have definitely gone nuts and that I could never take on the Manhattans and Kaplans.
Fast forward to 2017, I get paid $150 by BTG whereas Manhattan pays $100 to its tutors.
True, it all has not come without a price.
See, I have been a class topper throughout my life.
I graduated from UET Lahore as Elect. Engr with CGPA of 3.82 in 2008.
My parents wanted me to join MIT and wanted that I go onto work in Google or Apple Inc. as a researcher.
But when I got in contact with GMAT & GRE, I fell in love with these tests. It was one of the few things that I found challenging after a long long time.
I never joined MIT and I couldn’t be happier that I decided to be a test-prep Instructor.
And what about my parents?
My mom still thinks that my kids become engineers one day for the fitting atonement of my forsaking the field. 🙂
Now let’s talk about how may I help YOU in YOUR GMAT or GRE journey.
I know I cannot help everyone; it is just NOT possible for me.
In the past, for those who were just starting out on their GMAT, GRE journey, I used to advise them to first join some local GMAT, GRE preparation academy to get their BASICS covered.
And once they have been tutored for three months in a local academy, they will be in a position to tackle 550 level GMAT questions.
Afterward, get 2-3 “one-on-one sessions” with me in phase one and after a month again 2-3 one-on-one sessions with me to tackle 750-800 level GMAT questions in less than a minute.
In fact, I am famous for my guarantee:
you won’t get a single SC incorrect on test day,
not more than 2 RCs incorrect and
if you do all that which I ask without cutting corners.
If you get any other result, I double refund you.
In 2019, I have decided to allocate weekends for group sessions of GMAT preparation in Lahore for GMAT and GRE, something I used to do only in Novembers and Decembers.
What is that means is I take you from ABSOLUTE beginners level to 740-750 level in 3 months course (and 300 plus in GRE).
It is going to be a highly intensive and comprehensive course and you would be required to be in your top-gear.
Again, not everyone would be accommodated in this course: only those who want 700 plus score and are ready to extend the required effort. You can also reach us for Best GAT preparation in Lahore Pakistan.

If you are not ready to invest the time and energy, just don’t join.
If your required score is less than 710-700, don’t join.
But if you are seeking 730-740 in the shortest period of time and are an ambitious person, then be ready to have the most fulfilling journey of your life and thank me when YOU get in Harvard.

Best GMAT Preparation in Lahore

GMAT Preparation in Lahore

Some of the questions that you SHOULD have regarding my GMAT Preparation course:

YOU:  Ali, my Reading Comprehension is very weak and thus I am really concerned about my Reading Comprehension.
What it means is that because of my RC phobia, I just cannot even skim the passage. And because I can’t skim the passage I naturally cannot grasp the Main Idea; have no clue about the Primary Purpose of the passage; could almost never get the structure of the passage and when it comes to Inference questions in RC, I am totally clueless.
In fact, I have resorted to many available options just to get comfortable with RC, such as taking a local GMAT preparation course in Lahore, checking out Manhattan Prep’s RC guide, and in fact I have solved RCs from official material so many times that I now have memorized the answers to all RCs in official guides by GMAC. But I still am lost when I encounter a “new” RC passage each time.

I have LOST faith in myself completely.

I am so much frustrated because of my poor performance in Reading Comprehension that I am planning to forsake the whole idea of an elite MBA, something that could have pushed me many rungs up in the corporate ladder in very short time.
Further RC sucks an inordinate amount of my time and I almost always find myself end up spending 5-7 minutes trying to grasp the content of RC passage.
Just want to ask, is there any hope for someone like me?
ANS) There is not a single RC question that cannot be solved in less than a minute.
If you are spending more time than that then your approach is definitely wrong.
True, RC takes a little longer build-up time.
But once you have your foundations strong, RC becomes fun.

Please understand GMAT does not test Reading Fluency.
And GMAC totally understands that an overwhelming majority of GMAT takers are from non-native English speaking countries.
GMAC, therefore, cannot put this group in an unfavorable situation.
Exactly because of this reason, in Sentence Correction type of questions, “idioms” no longer are the ONLY error in an incorrect answer choice.
If you try to eliminate an incorrect answer choice on basis of idioms, you are up for a disaster.
Not only will you end up spending more time while preparing GMAT but also you waste precious moments during your test.
Same with RC.
In our GMAT preparation course, we make you GrandMaster in:
—>Approaching RC with a strategy and right approach.
—>Practicing intensively with the right kind of content.
—>Getting constant Expert feedback on your progress.

YOU: ALI, what about GMAT SC?
I’ve been trying SC on my own but each time I encounter an SC prompt, it makes my head swing.
If you have been trying to study GMAT SC on your own but haven’t been making much progress, it surely is the time to immerse fully in our GMAT course.
Our GMAT Preparation course( offered only in Lahore ) is designed to transform you into a GMAT SC grandmaster with expertise across the most frequently tested SC errors including Mastering Meaning aspect of GMAT SC,
–>Cause and Effect relationships in SC that also come handy in CR & RC questions,
–>Errors related to Tenses( which are all meaning errors),
–>Subject-Verb Agreement errors,
–>Modifier errors,
–>Sentence Structure errors and
–>Pronoun errors.

In addition to the above mentioned 9 major errors, this GMAT course includes in its SC module
–>158 sub errors,
–>Discussion on more than 500 750+ level SC questions and
–>Extensive practice material as well as
–>Post-course practice material to help you master the complete GMAT mastery skill set and make you test ready.

If you have been trying to study GMAT SC on your own but haven’t been making much progress, it surely is the time to immerse fully in our GMAT course.
You will be following a clear and structured learning path that is sure to get you 100% accuracy.

Also, you’ll receive a holistic understanding of how GMAC approach SC question types and gain advanced expertise in GMAT SC.

Ans) : Undoubtedly VERBAL!!!

Of course, YOU will be a quant pro by the end of this course.
But one skill that I myself am proud of and which only a handful of tutors from around the globe are good at is GMAT Verbal.
Those exposed to my GMAT verbal skills believe I know more about it than anyone else in the world.
Over the years my belief has only strengthened that verbal, more than any other question type, can make or break the case for your b-school admission by a long shot!!!
All sections of GMAT are highly related.
Skills learned for SC come handy not only for other verbal questions but also for Quant section since GMAC is increasingly putting its emphasis on logic-based approach to a problem.
This approach is most aggressively applied in SC type questions; OG 18,19 are a testimony to this fact.
ALL ‘fresh’ OG 18,19 SC questions are aggressive on logical tact.
And I prepare you to solve these questions in less than 10 seconds, whereas traditional approach by other tutors, such as those from Manhattan prep and Veritas Prep, can consume your time considerably.
Have a look at my solution and approach HERE, in conjunction with the ManhattanPrep’s tutor.
Also, a high score in verbal by non-native GMAT test-takers is such a rarity that it always makes its way as a talking point in the interview as well.
Moreover, my SC, RC, and CR skills are so sought after that for the last 10 years whenever I get time, I run a GMAT Verbal boot Camp in Lahore.
I limit enrollment to 5-7 attendees so that each and every aspect of GMAT Verbal can be discussed and each attendee be given 100% attention.

At this 2-day training event, I teach all things Verbal you can’t find online, in books or, anywhere else in the world.
It’s my newest, best stuff.
All this is also covered in this GMAT Preparation Course.

Ali, what is the price of your GMAT Preparation Course in Lahore?
ANS) Charges for GMAT group sessions: 160,000/- PKR ($1000).

YOU: Why the price is so low?

Most people think that the price of this GMAT Preparation course is low because I want to help the underprivileged, underdogs or that I am a patriotic person who wants to see Pakistan thrive because of the proliferation of business savvy individuals helping MNCs suck more blood from the Pakistani consumers.

The fact of the matter is that I don’t believe much in underdogs applying for and getting admitted to top-tier b-schools.
If you are underprivileged, top-tier b-school is not the right fit for you.
I think the right place for you could be MS or Ph.D.
Moreover, I don’t care much for patriotism as well.
In fact, I don’t believe in Patriotism at all; we must conceive humanity as a whole. Patriotism, thus to me, is a perfect case of ethnocentricism.
The reason this GMAT Preparation course is offered for such a low price is that I am a selfish man. I play long-term. For instance (just for the sake of discussion), 7/7 students getting 760 is much beneficial to me than 7/70 getting 760. Former is a 100% success rate, while later is only 10% success and 90% failure.

And as always the failure has a compound effect much stronger than the success. In fact, this practice of letting only a small cohort in your inner circle was practiced by Sigmund Freud as well. Ever heard of his student Carl Jung? I am his big fan and also of his philosophy of Delayed Gratification.

Delayed Gratification is sacrificing present for much better reward in future. 100% success rate is equal to 0% failure. What it means that no resented students. And no resentment pays off like hell in future. And also, I don’t care much for money as I already earn a great deal because of my private tutoring sessions and my commitments with BTG.
LASTLY, If you are damn serious about 750 and are ready to put in the effort, then Iet me help you exactly towards that.
And boy, 750 can change your life completely.
I have seen people timid who feel at the top of the world when they get 750.
It is a life changer not only for you but also for YOUR loved ones. (Moreover, be an ultimate role model for your younger siblings).
Believe me, 750 is really worth it.
And any score below it is a waste of time.
Call 0321-4582520 NOW and get 15 minutes FREE consultation regarding YOUR GMAT.

GMAT Preparation in Lahore

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Address: 77 Sarfraz Rafiqui Road Lahore Cantt.